Hi all,
New here. I hope it's ok for me to post as I don't actually have a CD diagnosis but I've been experiencing IBD like symptoms for a while and I'm at a loss at what to do
A brief history: In 2005 I started having a few problems with vomitting, abdominal discomfort and loose stools. After a few blood tests it was decided that I had IBS and that I should not have any more invasive tests as it may make it worse. The symptoms continued on and off for a few years. about
2 years ago I developed a very specific pain in my stomach, to the right of my belly button. I was concerned that this may not just be IBS as it was in such a specific place. The pain would come and go but was significant. My doctor referred me for an ultrasound to check my gallbladder and everything appeared fine. When I pointed to where my pain was the ultrasound guy said that this was my bowels. He said the ultrasound would not show up any problems in my bowel but it was most likely I had IBS and that he also suggested i did not have a colonoscopy as it may make IBS worse.
Last summer I was due to get married and the pain was getting continually worse and I had vomitting and diahrrea daily. If I ate more than a small amount I would vomit after an hour or two. My doctor said the IBS was worsening due to stress and placed me on anti-depressants and beta blockers. The wedding (during which i spent most of the day hunched over and running off to puke) came and went and the symptoms have only got worse. I now struggle to do anything but lie on the sofa with a hot water bottle as standing or walking seems to make the pain worse. I don't think anyone around me appreciates how bad the pain is. People probably wonder why I have a constant look of concentration on my face - it's because i'm focussing on not being sick and getting through the pain.
Good news though - My GP has finally referred me for more investigations. I had an upper endoscopy which showed no problems and next week I have an appointment at our local colo-rectal department.
My question is - what should I be asking at the appointment? Should I be requesting a colonoscopy and/or anything else? I'm thinnkig of writing a list of symptoms I have so I don't forget to tell them anything. I've seen several GPs that have said I have IBS so I guess I'm just a bit worried I'll just get fobbed off again. I've tried everything I can think of to help IBS with no success (probiotics, meditating, yoga, digestive enzymes, diet, etc) and I'm sure it is something else.
Thanks for reading