When I first met my GI, she wanted me to go on Remicade or Humira.
After my fistulogram, she said that Humira isn't shown to treat fistulas and that I must go on Remicade.
As my sig says, the Remicade was refused and I was put on Lialda.
Before the Lialda, I was very fatigued and the fistula had been draining off and on since september.
Now that I am on Lialda, it's only drained once in the past two months and my energy level has deeply improved.
Since the fistula isn't draining any more, I don't know what's going on in there. Externally, I have a lump/abscess and it's not going away any time soon.
In your opinion, is my case the opposite of yours? Since mine is abscessed, he would want to cut?
I'm still waiting for these stupid general surgery people to call me back.