I know, I know I need to ask my gastro doc, but I had my endoscopy/colonoscopy and he said he thinks I have Crohn's and biopsied. I thought there would be a follow-up appointment, but there wasn't, I think he said he would send me the information in the mail (I'm assuming results from the biopsy and an official diagnosis). I also have Gerd w/a sore in the esophagus. So I have been on Prilosec all week and I do feel improvements, not like a miracle but improvements to what it was before.
Anyway, do I stay on a 14-day course, or do I keep taking for a month, two, or until I feel "better"? Or just schedule an appt. to ask doc? He never said how long to stay on it.
I hope to figure out how to balance the PH in my gut after I'm done w/the Prilosec. I have taken HCI Betaine in the past w/good results, but digestive enzymes weren't working, cutting out foods that caused problems and trying PH-balancing foods like asparagus. I wonder why our guts just don't work when we seem to do everything right. Ho hum!
Have a wonderful day, people! : ) Thanks for any input.