Ever since I got sick (some 8,9 years ago) at one point or another almost everyone I know has tried to give me advice on how I should manage my disease.
Most of the advices were pure quack (bioenergy, homeopathy, DNA resequencing through theta healing ... etc).
How do you deal with people who try to "help" you like that? Do you just nod and listen (and probably ignore) or try to educate them?
For example, today I was told, by a good family friend that I will most certainly DIE in the next 10 years if I don't change the way I eat and what medicine I take.
According to him, I should be on a veggie diet and not take steroids and 6-MP even if the doctors tell me.
Now I know he's just trying to help (the best way he can
), but it really annoys me.