Posted 4/20/2010 5:40 PM (GMT 0)
I have horrible dry skin on my hands now......didn't used to. Was Dx'd with Crohn's last year so I'm not sure if there's a correlation there, just a coincidence or if like another poster said, dehydration. The only meds I take are a probiotic and enzymes so I don't have any prescriptions to blame for it. My hands get so dry they crack and bleed - and my skin is in such bad shape my hands look like those of an 80 year old. My Derm. said I've lost my protective barrier, gave me a topical steroid and barrier cream and honestly, they don't help. The dryness is creeping up my wrists and the tender skin there is becoming slightly discolored (a light brown). I found a barrier cream at a local pharmacy here called CeraVe, it's much cheaper than my Rx barrier cream ($50 co-pay!) and seems to work okay. The only issue is that I am a big hand-washer so I'm constantly washing it off, and since I shuffle paperwork all day it's hard to continually re-apply. I only get to put a good coating on at night before I go to bed. Maybe we need to drink more water. :) I just don't know.