All of this gets to be too much... I am not handling the prednisone very well.. I feel like crap..and its not working yet. The GI told me to give it more time but to get myself to the dr to treat the cold.. which turns out to be a sinus infection. The dr told me that they have to be careful treating sinus infections because the gut gets they gave me levaquin..and a probiotic... I get to the pharmacy and they take me aside and tell me that the prednisone and the levaquin could cause my tendons to rupture. So its not enough I am worried about
the prednisone but now I have to be careful to watch my tendons.. and any pain I might feel.
Sorry.. for some reason today I keep crying.. I am just getting really down about came out of nowhere... I lost my job because I ran out of fmla leave and they let me go.. I haven't felt good since Christmas..tired of the diarrhea, the pain...I can't seem to find another job ...I just want to feel better...I just guess I am feeling a little hopeless.. I know there are others that have it way worse than me and maybe i have no right to complain but I just went life back in control... and it doesn't feel like it will