I had my first resection surgery in march of 2007, It's been over 3 years so I guess thats a good thing. I'm just ranting or well venting because I'm kind of deressed that I didn't make it 5 years. My surgeon told me wen I first met him that I would be needing surgery really realy soon, 2 months later, I had surgery. After my surgery h told me that I will prbably make it 5 years before needing another. He's usualy pretty right on with times, so I guess I was just hoping I'd make it that long. I'm just scared that I'm going to be in and out of the hosital again, but I am pretty sure I need to call up my surgeon and make an appointment. I've never really gone into remision since surgery, but I have been able to tolerate the CD and everything rather well, it has ben totaly livable. Well starting a few days ago I have been able to tolerate it less and less. It's starting to remind me of what I wnt through before I was diagnosed. I'm lethargic, my kidneys hurt, miserable, severly anemic, my pain tolerance levels are back up and I can't eat. I'm going to call my Surgeon tomorrow, I'll let you all know how it goes! thanks for listening!