very interesting article, i am a believer of the pain thing, because I can't evan tolerate the kind of pain I get anymore, if I feel i'm going to have a (I call gas/bile blockage) usually lasts anywhere from 4 hr to 3 days, with super sore where my resections surgeries were, thats the area that gets inflammed and then it narrows when its inflammed, could cause obstuction, in which I;ve had 2 emmergency surgeries, so I've had cd for 40 years and I just take vicodin and try to avoid those painful situations, if I can catch it in time with vicodin, but if I'm out without pain med's, I've had horrible situations, usually out with family and I shouldn't have eaten food, something that is perfectly normal for a normal stomach.anyway my point is my brain can't handle pain, I've had to much in my life