I got bad psoriasis with HUmira. I called the hotline several times to report it and wa told things like it "was not possible" and "just fluke timing". I KNEW it was the Humira. I also noticed it was listed as a possible side effcet of Cimzia (front page and centre of their website). Finally the Humira people have gotten enough reports I notice they FINALLY acknowledge it on their site as well.
I haven't been on Cimzia, but I have been on remicade and humira. Although neither one helped heal my fistulas, I felt that I preferred the Remi by far. I felt the humira was a waste of time (for me) . The humira is also uncomfortable when injecting. The remicade is not painful when being infused but it can take 4-6h out of your day (but only every 6-8 weeks I think, can't remember the schedule) so in that sense the humira is more convenient. Also, the remi has a slightly higher chance of allergy becasue it's mouse derivative.
On the other hand, remi was invented first, and the humira people basically pirated remi's idea and tried to market an injectable as way better, trying to syphon remi's profits (while passing on none of the savings- all these companies have an agreement with each other to charge the same $$ )
Personally I still vote for remicade.