Hi all.
Thanks for the comments.
I’ve checked and I do need to take some form of anti-malaria meds for my destination. I think that it's just a case of trying one and seeing how I get on. All have side effects, it’s just a case of deciding which ones are preferable. I’ve decided to try Malarone, and take it about a week before I go, to see if I have any severe reactions. Also, it need only be taken for seven days on returning home, so this would be better to get off it fast. With any luck I won't have any problems.
Hit another snag though; I always knew I had to have a yellow fever jab, and I am not scared of injections, but the more anxious/worried/irrational side of me has latched onto something a friend said. His doc advised him about all the side effects and possible death from being vaccinated, and yes it's freaked me out. I go to the doctors on Tuesday to get this and am sure he will advise me. But since with the stress at work, and now this, my Crohn's has started up a little (mucus and urgent visits to the loo every morning). I just wondered if anyone has had any experiences with this vaccination. I have tried looking up various web information, but I end up reading all the bad bits.
Wish I could relax and just enjoy the fact that we are going on holiday; it’s a once in a lifetime, but so far it’s just a once in a lifetime worry. I began with thoughts of “yeah, I can handle this”, but as it gets closer I think “why do I put myself through these things?”
But I know the answer; if I didn’t I would be a hermit and not see any of the world and life is too short.
Any tips or advice on yellow fever or travelling would me much appreciated. I do like that I have found you all, to discover like-minded/suffering souls. I also hope to be able to respond to others but always very concerned about giving duff advice. Sorry off loading, but woke at 3 this morning in a panic and that has to stop.
On the plus side it is a beautiful sunny, sunday morning.
XX Blue