Hmmm...interesting article.
I'm not an advocate for drinking bleach. However, I do have a bleach story incident that did astound me when it happened.
I've always had stomach issues long before I was diagnosed with Crohn's. One particular time of distress I had been naseous for a couple of days and my stomach really hurt to put anything in it.
I had heard that vinegar settles the tummy. So, I headed for my vinegar cruet in the cupboard where I always kept it. Thought I'd mix some with a little water and take it.
What I didn't know was that my darling husband had filled the cruet with bleach to get the vinegar stains out...and placed it back in the cupboard without telling me. I have no idea why my sniffer wasn't working that day, but I took the cruet and poured about
2 tablespoons in a glass and added some water (I don't measure things out really well. I just go by feel). Anyway, the smell hit me at the same time I swallowed a big mouth full of the bleach water.
When I realized what I had done I totally freaked. I called the poison control center and told them that I had just drank a mouthful of barely diluted bleach. This was like 15 years ago and I can't really remember what they told me to do. I think they said to drink a lot of water but don't puke...or something like that. And to just wait to see what happens.
So...I prepared to die. I called everyone I could think of while I was awaiting my demise. Minutes seemed like hours. Nothing was happening. I didn't puke and I didn't burn. As a matter of fact, after a couple of hours I settled down re the anxiety. And I noticed that my stomach actually felt pretty good. As the day went on I felt better and better. For the next two weeks I ended up feeling great stomach wise.
I figure the bleach killed off whatever was making my stomach feel sick. And as far as I can tell I fared no worse for the experience. I still have crohn's but I had it back then as well.
Needless to say my hubby caught hell for putting the bleach in the cupboard. And I now stick my nose into everything before it goes into my mouth. But I really was surprised at how good that bleach water made me feel. LOL!
I still don't advise drinking the stuff.