We love Entocort, but it works only in patients who have Crohn's confined to the terminal ileum. If your son's Crohn's is anywhere else, it won't help, but otherwise it might be a great help! You probably already know Entocort is designed to be released mainly in the terminal ileum, so not as much of it gets into the rest of the body as prednisone - which means lower risk of serious side effects. You CAN combine Entocort with LDN. In fact, my daughter's labs were best when she combined both. She had already used Entocort to go into near remission, and tapered to just one pill, so when she introduced LDN on top of that one pill, along with dietary changes, at three months her CRP went below 1 and her sed rate went to 2.
Because Entocort can cause damage if taken for years, and does not induce full remission, I have been intrigued that Spookyhurst managed to have a clean colonoscopy thanks to a combination of diet, LDN, and Pentasa. Am wondering whether LDN + Pentasa, with or without SCD, might eventually make a good combo for my daughter.
But right now, my daughter is on strict SCD and trusty Entocort, which has again saved the day by nipping symptoms in the bud - if your son's inflammation is high, Entocort, rather than Pentasa, is more likely to induce near remission (as long as he doesn't have Crohn's in the stomach, duodenum, etc - but has only in TI).
I seriously doubt LDN can control Crohn's effectively in my daughter, even with the SCD. SO right now she is planning on introducing Pentasa while she tapers down to Entocort, and then throwing in LDN on top of Pentasa soon before getting off the Entocort.