For those of you that have seen some of my posts the last few months, my GI was questioning/trying to verify my Crohn's diagnosis, now that the arthritis has gotten so bad and our last resort is to stop Humira and try Enbrel (which will do nothing for the Crohn's). Well, a few months, three tests and about
$800 later, hey, I am indeed a Crohnie. Capsule endoscopy again was the only thing that showed it and I don't have pictures or much details yet, but it did show inflammation and I'm assuming it's still in my TI.
But, regardless, GI is going to let me try Enbrel and said I will have to switch back to Humira if the gut starts acting up. So, I guess I am essentially going without any Crohn's meds and hoping the Enbrel will help with that, even though it's not FDA approved for Crohn's. I'm relieved to know that I haven't been treated wrong all of these years and that it's not all just in my head. And I really hope the Enbrel helps, because the arthritis has gotten to the point where I can't deal with this much longer.
So, for any of you whose doctors are not sure or questioning a Crohn's diagnosis now, make sure you fight until you are happy with the answer or at least the doctor's effort. Mine tried to tell me that insurance woulnd't approve another capsule endscopy without other tests showing something. I pushed anyway and turns out, my insurance didn't even require prior approval. It cost me a decent amount, but it's worth it to know for sure.