I am a newbie and first posted a similar question to the Ulcerative Colitis area but I discovered there is a Crohn's forum, which might help me more. Please forgive the cross-posting! Does anyone else have a similar combination of symptoms?
Pain in right side abdomen, central to lower - mostly stinging but also a stretched feeling - stinging is worse after eating acidic foods or taking ibuprofen (which I now avoid). Occasional pains elsewhere, including on the right under the ribs and a little on the left. Occasional slight fever or weak feeling - doesn't last long. Normal bowel functions. Bloating and abdominal muscle tension which are relieved by following the SCDiet. No recent signs of bleeding, but I had minor rectal area bleeding a year ago which was cleared up by suppositories. A scope at the time was diagnosed as possible early crohn's with mild inflammation and a little ucleration in the terminal ileum. I've also had heartburn for years and lost tolerance for omeprazole. Trying to get off Protonix because long-term use may be part of the problem.
I have a colonoscopy scheduled in a week but the pain is getting worse. Could it still be Crohn's with normal bowel functions? I hope they stay that way! I'm afraid of taking the meds that may be prescribed because of the side effects. Thanks!