I respond to any post that has sleep issues, pain, or side effects. I've had cd 40 years. sleeping issues since 1985, when I was put on serax, (benzoidiazapam). I started using that drug for sleep, evan tho it is anxiety drug, then I take temazapam (restoril) for sleep, my problem when I get in bed, I worry,worry,worry. can not shut my brain off. I'm on ssdi (cd) but we have family art business, so I worry about my fatigue on doing my art, and I worry about sales. My problem, I can't fall asleep without pills. Fine, I can deal with that. I've learned when you are flareing, when we sleep out body is trying to heal itself, so it is really important that you sleep, so your body can rest and try to heal itself. I take pain med's as well as remicade. just to get thru day with some form of quality of life, On top of cd discomfort, I have muscle and joint pain, I feel is from rem. just to let you ladies know I'm right along with you in sleep thing. This disease makes you have anxiety, and having it is stressful,knowing what the future will hold is frightening to me, I'm 60 and still have mortgage, scarry stuff, make anybody stay up at night. I pray people will spend this year. I need rich people to get there hands out of there pockets and spend.