Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the forum! I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's and have a mild case luckily. I have ulcers in my colon and thickening in the small intestine. I have no stomach pain, however i have been bleeding for years when going to the bathroom (not very much) and finally decided to get it checked out because it was getting worse and more painful. I was told I had Crohn's after several tests (colonoscopy, MRI). I was put on Asacol then switched to Apriso. Neither of which made anything better, in fact things seemed slightly more painful.
I was put on 6 MP last Friday and am worried that my doctor isn't having my liver checked more often. From what I have read about others on 6 MP, you get your liver checked on a regular basis, right? I'm having my blood counts checked once/week for 4 weeks and my liver checked once at the end of the month. There are no future blood or liver checks after that (I am not scheduled to see my doctor again until June). This concerns me as it seems like others have their liver checked on a more regular basis. Please let me know if this is "normal".