I have an intra-abdominal abscess about
the size of a golf ball right next to my belly button that's at the end of a pretty big fistula (like 1in big) from my terminal ileum. I also have another fistula that attaches to my bladder.
Started Remicade which worked amazingly. First day in my abscess went down and in 6 weeks my fistula halved in size. Sadly, over the weekend (of course over the weekend) horrible pain again and that abscess popped back up.
Other then this, my guts are great and I had my life back thanks to Remicade.
I just got off the phone with my GI and he wants me to see a surgeon to have it drained...
Has anybody had an intra-abdominal abscess drained? Can anyone tell me what they went through?
Little nervous thinking about
surgery like this...I'm debating about
just jumping for a resection, because I'm worried this stupid thing will keep coming back..