My understanding is that there is no reversal agent for propofol, one of the reasons most states require its administration ONLY by an anesthesiologist.
chroniemomx2, I'm so glad that Roger likes the new plant! Danielle was holding her breath for awhile about
Bay City Powertrain but things are looking good for the time being now. knock, Knock, KNOCK. Given she started at Nodular which they closed, then Malleable which they closed, then the experimental which they closed ..... Nicole graduated this year. She's going into graphic arts. Ashley was a freshman this year.
How GREAT that you like this gastro? colorectal? Dr Larkin recommended!!! I'm so happy for you. How are you doing? How are the girls doing?
Larkin talked me into using HalfLytely my last scope and it worked well for me and was my least stressful prep since Magnesium Citrate.