I was wondering how common it is for our CD pain to radiate into your back. the other morning I woke up with both abd pain and back pain both of which seem to hurt together cramp etc. When the doctors puch on your inflamed areas thats how this feels in my back as well.
Is this common? I know I had this post op a few years back but I cannot remember getting this outside of pot op where the pain is actually radiating to my back. I have taken my pain meds at the highest dose I am allowed for the past 3 days and still suffering (although it does let up and make it so I can eat even if it is just soup). Initially I thought I pulled a muscle in my back until I noticed it was coinciding with belly pain.
Any ideas to help with the back pain...seems as though when pain radiates to a new place it bothers me more than my "typical pain" since it is in a new spot