Every time I flare, I actually drink Ensure.....chocolate flavor and refrigerated.
yeah its filled with lots of sugars and fats, but also losts of vitamins, it also tastes great, it doesnt hurt like eating food and it kept my weight up.
Now, as for all the other comments, they are all true, once on the right meds your weight will balance, adn then fluctuate based off future flares or other crohns related issues, but for the most part, meds will stabilize it, but for flares, Im an Ensure guy.
Everyone has a different approach, what is right for one person maybe wrong for another, part of this disease is the steep learning curve seeing as doctors know so little, that leaves you to do a little trial and error....
One day though, you and your doctors will find the right balance and get to a point where you can keep your weight level.