I've been on MTX roughly now for 8 months, and loving it!!! The no arthritis is definitely worth the crappy day I feel the day I take it but then feel great after the folic acid the following day so it's been worth it!
however I've been noticing my period has been all messed up, does anyone else find this or could it just be me and the endometrosis? (which I also have)
Also, any of you reading this if your on humira and MTX have you notice the arthritis coming back a bit? I re-started humira in June and a few days ago I started feeling a bit arthritis again (haven't had any since a month after starting MTX) but i was also wondering if it could have just been the weather, had rained a lot and got a little cool.. but I mean i had no in the winter soo I'm confused. Is humira causing it!!?
Thanks guys!! :)