This has been a major problem for me, hemmies of a pregnant woman Im told, thrombosed, lacerated, bleeding, random forever, pain endless.
My Gi put me on fruit and potatoes and Miralax for about a week, conincided with recovery from a rectal surgery.
Wow, you cant even taste Miralax and only need one glass a day, as for the potatotes and fruit, I was shocked at how easy everything came out.
The bleeding stopped, the constipation, and the pain dwindled.
Now the last big secret. WATER, if you are not drinking 40 to 60 ounces or water a day, your insides are going to revolt. I know it aint easy just sticking to water and I admit when I feel better, I will cheat and try some gugar based rinks, and every time I stray from water, I suffer.
Suppositories, creams, onitments and "poo pills" never worked for me. Miralax, water, fiber based until your regular again. You must have WATER with these or it will not help nearly as much. Wow, realy pounding home the water thing eh, and your probably already doing this stuff, if not try it :)
Now if only this time I can stick with it :)