2 1/2 months ago I started taking LoSeasonique birth control because every time my period rolled around my Crohn's symptoms would flare up. I did have a lot of trouble getting them because the gyno did not want to prescribe them to me because he said Crohn's patients have a high risk of blod clots and birth control puts you at a higher risk for blod clots. So he wanted a letter from my GI saying I could take birth control. Well even with that letter he refused to give me the birth control. So I went to another who took the letter and gave me the birth control, no problem.
What I did notice is that a few weeks after I started taking it I checked my blood pressure and the systolic one had gone up to 139. I have never had my blood pressure that high and I'm 18(turning 19 this saturday:). It's usually lower 120s. I thought maybe the machine is broken. So I went to a different place and it came out around the same. So I started checking it once to twice a week for 1 month and it stayed consistently in the upper 130s.
I had a feeling it was the birth control and the birth control wasn't really helping with my symptoms and apparantly raising my blood pressure. So I stopped taking it and 3 days later I took my blood pressure and for the first time in weeks it was back to 120 and I checked it again today and it was 122. So it had to have been the birth control. But high blood pressure is listed as a rare but serious side effect. I can't help but wonder if it has to do with my increased risk for blod clots b/c of Crohn's. Has anyone else with Crohn's had this happen with birth control?