Thanks Everyone!!
So the inflammation in my ti is reduced from the last colonoscopy 14 months ago, and my colon is completely clear, so it's all improvements since I was diagnosed 6 years ago. Disappointing that despite 6 or so months on humira and 2 doses of remicade that the inflammation is still there.
It is a hard decision!! It helps talking here about it, and I so appreciate everyone's perspective. Kazbern, I think I do worry a bit that the joint pain I have now might be part of the Crohn's and it's worrisome that my B12 is now low too. When I saw the rheumy at the beginning of the summer, he suggested I talk to my GI about bumping up my meds to help with my joint pain. It's shame they can't clearly tell what causes it. I've been off all biologics since the middle of December, so it seems like that should be out of my system.
It makes me want to cry when I think about what a long road I've been on for the last 6 + years. Last year at this time, I was pretty much symptom free in terms of my intestines, but was exhausted beyond belief and could hardly get up the stairs to my apartment, and it got a lot worse. I think for the first time in a year, I'm in place where I can focus on my diet, and I'm trying to do some things to help the joint pain like yoga, and know even more exercise will help.
My gut instinct (ha!) is to give myself a break from these meds, and just continue my pentasa and keep working on the diet and exercise. Ok...there...I've got a decision. I'm going let this go, and get ready to enjoy my vacation that starts Monday.