Hello all. So my story starts as a child I was generally constipated. Fast forward to about
20years old, I saw my first gi dr for rectal fissures and bleeding. I was worried as blood often seem to just pour out. However the dr said it was just a little bood and that it was do to constipation eat more fiber. So a month after I had my first child I had my first bout of d in about
7-8 years. I was in the bathroom for an hour or so and in a lot of pain which was mostly in my upper left abd. This would happen sometimes once a week others once a month. I could find no rhyme or reason at this point. I was still also struggling with mild constipation.
After my second child wad at my worst with it happening every week for about
4 wks. I saw my second gi dr who said it was ibs and eat more fiber. However he did a colonoscopy since I had had anal fissures. The scope was good all except they found a polyp that was pre cancerous. So that meant I needed to get a colonoscopy every 5 years. This evenly slowed down and I started noticing problems right before my period. So I took pills to miss them. I also quit smoking A year after my second child was born so I can now see that that may have been what helped slow it down. After my third child I started having symptoms of a stomach ulcer. And had upper gi that indicated that. After a month on meds and not getting better I saw my gi again. He did an endoscope. Said scope looked good and it was just my ibs. I have my fourth child and still everything was pretty calm and even if I had issues before my monthly cycle, although till painful but not as painful as it once was. Then in may I started having issues at none period time. I was alter from a few days of d and then go 9 dys of constipation. So back to my gi. Said sounds like my ibs. However it was time for my recheck colonoscopy. And he also ordered a celiac test as my sister has a wheat allergy. But said I would not have a food allergy as they do not cause constipation. So scope was good and so was celiac. Gave my anti spasm pills and had no plans on trying to help further. So I switched to my sisters gi dr. He ordered basic allergy food test which came back normal. He also ordered a stool study which came back with white blood cells and occult blood in it. So he ordered a crp and a Prometheus serology 7 and food allergy test that tests or 88 different foods. I was also having a lot of indigestion and waking in the night feeling like I had the stomach bug. was going to vomit or have to go to the bathroom. With chills. He gave me meds for that but I notice little improvement from it.
Well my food test showed I had a high reaction to rice. Which I was on a gluten/wheat free diet for 3months with my 7 year old daughter who was just dx with a wheat allergy for her stomach issues. So everything that was wheat in my diet got replaced with rice. So I was consuming a lot of rice and explained why I was having loose bms several a day for the last month. I am now back on wheat but I also had a moderate reaction to yeast so I am no longer on that as wll. My crp came back fin but my prometheus came back positive but only by pattern. So he has ordered one more test that said will give me a yes/no to crohns. He gave me pentasa nd said if test comes back positive then to take 2 pills twice a day. So waiting or that. If I do have it I think my case would be mild and plan to see an alternative md dr after the new year. I am kinda hoping it comes back positive as it would help solve years of frustration and pain. But I also hope that maybe it was all just food allergy. My daughter is also getting tested for celiac gene in feb. so that may also not be completely ruled out. And crohns would only be affecting my small intestines. So any info you may have on the Prometheus test to help me understand what just by pattern means. Or what the new crohns blood test could possibly be. And your opinion on if you this I fight into crohn? I always thought constipation ruled me out. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Welcome to HW! Just added some paragraphs to make your intro easier to read.Post Edited By Moderator (Roni) : 11/20/2011 6:37:55 PM (GMT-7)