Here in Canada, each of our provinces has its own form of Health Care, no one is left without some kind of coverage. I am pretty much an American Political junkie, and I just do not understand why there is so much descention among so many Americans when it comes to Health Care. Bottom line is, everyone needs it so why don't the politicians take a look at ours, England, etc. and see how we do it. It just seems that whenever I read posts from all of you, where you discuss your problems with your Health care system, it breaks my heart that so many of you are struggling especially when it comes to getting your necessary meds, and paying for a doctors appointment let alone having to pay for surgery, that is just unheard of here in Canada.
A little off topic, but this has been on my mind for a while, so I wish you all good luck, my heart goes out to all of you in this terrible predicament.