Any advice would be amazing I am really quite scared about
my colonoscopy/ polypectomy next week.
Firstly I would need to take two buses by myself for about
a one hour journey into central London (so very busy) to get to the hospital next week. Is this a good idea or should I get a taxi? Will I need to stop on route to go to a toilet? Taxi will probably still take a good half hour. The problem is it's only £2.60 for the bus but about
£25 for a taxi and having had so much time off work for over a year now I can't really afford the taxi especially as I will need to get one home too. (It's a whole days wages but I havent even worked for a few weeks now). What do people think?
Also I they tried a flexible sig a few days before Christmas but they had to stop after just 10cm because they already found 5 sessile polyps and a large tear and said I would need to come back after Christmas under a stronger anesthetic to have a polypectomy and colonoscopy, as although I said I was fine to carry on (and didnt complain about
pain at all) they said they didn't want to put me through it as there would be no point, especially a few days before Christmas. Has this happened to anyone else? Is this usual?
Also I spent a lot of time in hospital last summer (age 29 years) with severe adominal pain in the right hand side of my stomach. They were ready to take out my appendix but then decided it must be a gynae cause... after countless tests they only found cysts on my ovaries and a twisted fallopian tube and said I must have had a larger cyst which had twisted the fallopian tube around as it burst although they had nothing to back this up. So after a week in hospital I was sent home with painkillers and medicines for STI's which they later confirmed I never had anyway. They now say they think it is Chrohns Disease but are not yet sure... does this sound familiar to anyone else on here?
My Grandfather died of Bowel Cancer ten years ago and my Dad, my uncle and my aunty have all had polyps removed. (I also get diarrhoea and severe and multiple mouth ulcers regularily since I was a young child).
Given that the polyps found so far are on the opposite side to where the pain is normally the worst should I expect that they will find either damage or more advanced polyps on the right hand side?
What will be will be, I would just like to be prepared mentally so that if I see more on the screen as they do it I dont get upset because I have prepared myself and know that it is to be expected. Equally if they find nothing on the other side then what could be causing such severe pain? Has anyone got any similar symptoms that they could share? Am I worrying for no reason?
I would also point out that especially over the past few weeks the pain has increasingly got worse again to the point at which I stopped eating any food at all for several days at a time and only managing to sip a protein/vitamin can of drink and have lost about
two stone in weight since last year. Also after not eating I felt SO much better! I even had two days where I had more energy than ever before and went to work buzzing despite having an empty stomach. Thankfully yesterday and today I have managed a couple of light meals
Very long post so thank-you so much if you have taken the time to read it. After spending most of the last year in pain and in bed and being single I dont see many people anymore and haven't shared this with anyone and am probably just over worrying but any advice would be amazing.
Thankyou X