That is very risky thinking on the part of your gastro. Why isn't he suggesting the Agile Patency Capsule??? You can achieve the same results w/o the risk of obstruction for more than a day or three?
The APC was developed specifically to eliminate or at least drastically reduce the need for surgical removal of the Pill Camera should be become stuck.
Its the same size and shape as the PCE but it is dissolvable w/in 3/4 days maximum. You swallow it early one morning and 26 hours later you have an abdominal xray to try to locate it. If it can't be found by xray it has safely passed and you are a candidate for a fairly risk-free PCE.
My confidence in this gastro would be very shaken by his not suggesting the APC and even more so if he isn't even aware of it!!!!
The APC has been approved and available in the US for at least the last 5 years.