advise, do not rush in to surgery. Have you been diagnosed with IBD? If you
have, then try Cypro/Flagyl/Remicade. My pre fistula surgery issues were very
little compared to what I have to deal with now.
I don’t want to scare you, but
here is my story.
was not diagnosed with Crohn’s till after my fistulatomy surgery, up until then
I was told all I have is colitis and fistulatomy will heal in 6 weeks. After 4
month’s of not healing my GI had me do Serology 7 test that came back positive
for Crohn’s with UC futures. Fistulatomy was performed in October of 2009; I
now have what is called a keyhole deformity. Basically, my fistulatomy surgery wound healed, but
did not close at anal verge – exactly from my old external fistula opening down
to my anal opening. It is leaking post BM, I have to wear a pad and put on
protective barrier cream to keep moisture under control. I also have a lot of
spasms and very high pressure in my sphincter muscle due to scar tissue and me
constantly trying to “hold” my leakage. I went to many colorectal surgeons in
my area – university professors and teaching hospitals and also to Cleveland clinic for
“ultimate” and last opinion on how to fix this. Basically I was told I have to
learn to live with this as any surgery in this area will end up with colostomy
bag. Remember, surgeons cut for living, talk to your GI about other options. Hope
all turns out ok for you.
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