Sorry Tsitodawg for not responding! The past few days have been really rough on my joints so I haven't been able to get on my laptop but my elbows aren't hurting today(just lower joints)so I decided to log on!
Thanks for the encouragement! I needed it! I'm honestly not that strong...AT ALL! I just remember a time when this all happened and I completelely shut down and even told one of my teachers I don't believe there is a God that would do this to me(It was a big ordeal because I go to a 'Christian school'. Then I releazied, this disease is a blessing! I wouldn't have been able to meet amazing people without this disease, help others going through tough times, & most of all I've become more compassionate twords others, even if they tick me off(because with this disease, as you know, you can look great & feel like crud)because they could be going through something far worse than I.
I think about you every time it gets around meal time! You are incrediably strong for dealing with the C-Diff, Crohn's, Gastroparesis etc! I would deffinately be very discouraged & I don't know if I could tough it out like you. Thanks for answering my questions too! It's all still feels very new when it comes to balancing medications, the disease & all the 'fun' stuff that comes with it but people like you keep me sane. Today, I managed to eat some chips to take my pills this morning. I still am bloated and full from the chips & my joints are starting to ache a lot more than normal but I'm guessing that's because of the weather.
Well, I went to the Rhuematologist & he immediately brought up my gastric emptying study & said everything was normal but the half time, which he found weird because usually people with gastroparesis have the slowing in the first part of the stomach but my stomach was slow when it came to actually emptying into the duodenum. He then went on to sum it all up with "In healthy people the stomach has continuous contractions usually with food but in people who have gastroparesis the nerves usually don't work or the stomach isn't getting the signals for whatever reason so food just sloshes around in the same place....but you're not healthy person. I suspect this will go away when the Crohn's is under control." I guess that's why my GI reccomended me try chewing more, eating softer, blander foods etc. I haven't seen my GI since he last admitted me in the hospital(sometime around mid Janruary) so I'll tell him how his plan is working out at my next appointment.
Like I said above, when I see my GI I will mention all the things you mentioned to me. My GI answers all my questions and doesn't just make up crap as he goes along and I know my regular doctor would just say "Speak to your GI" So, I'm in the progress of making an appointment to see him. So far the regular phenergan the ER doc prescribed is working well. I guess I 'outgrew' the Zofran.
I hope you had a better day & you are adjusting to the NJ tube well!