I was wondering if anyone here who is currently on or has been on SSD and then came the papers for your review on the case to see if you are still eligible. I got my paperwork back in the begining of December and had them back the next day (brought them to the office). I still stress about
it but no news is good news I guess.
In January I got more papers to fill out and have someone I know also fill out a set. I filled that out and my husband filled out the other. it said be mailed in by 18 days after getting the papers so I had it out for the postman 14 days after the postmark on the origional envelope the day after I got a letter asking where the papers were and to call if I needed mroe time or assistance. That moment I called and informed them the paperwork was sent out the day earlier.
I was just wondering about how long it takes to get your determination in this type of event if anyone knows.
When I was initially applying for the SSD I apped in Dec of 07 and was approved and getting my back check in march 2008 with no lawyers, no denials or anything they must have seen my record at that time (was going thru 4 surgeries at the time underweight etc etc) and been like that poor thing. I still am not the best on pentasa (max dose) Entocort (max since Sept 2010) Imuran 100mg since the end of Oct, Humira shots weekly, Iron pills daily, B 12 monthly just for CD and the issues it causes not incl my other med probs...and still flaring mild-moderate
I just hope I hear something soon if they come back and deny me I dont know what I will do already took a 1k/mo hit in income last april and struggling pretty badly