LDN works from a completely different standpoint as prednisone.
Prednisone depresses the immune system, that's why they tell you to be careful of infections, etc....
LDN is really an immune system modulator, but in the layman's view acts as a immune system booster.
So what does that mean?
It will help to gear up your immune system to make it healthier and stronger, reducing inflammation, and yes, hopefully getting you into remission.
However, if you keep introducing irritants (foods you know you cannot tolerate, i.e, dairy, wheat, gluten) to your gut and it keeps irritating your gut, it will take much longer for the LDN to help heal your gut.
The irritant foods act like acid on the skin, opening up lesions which are hard to heal (through LDN), however if you take the acid (foods) away, it enables your lesions to finally heal.