Andi87~I'm so sorry things haven't been easy for you. I'll start by saying it sounds like you've gotten some really poor ostomy information
I would definitely suggest checking out the ostomy forum, if you haven't already, because there are many fellow Crohnies!
I'd like to suggest you introduce one new food a day, in a small quantity, and if it goes ok add it to you list of foods to eat. If it bothers you try it again but give you body a little time to adjust. If you find yourself 'backed up' grape juice and even hot tea would help your body move things along. People with ileos shouldn't take laxatives because they can be dehydrating.
If you don't mind me asking what part of the country you are from...there are many ostomates on these boards and we be glad to meet you and help if we can. Hang in there, you are still new to your diagnosis AND all the surgeries:-( btw the reversal is usually much easier than the other ones you just had,
Hope to see you on the other board too!