Call me defiant, but I have been feeling pretty great lately & want to stop taking the steroid suppositories. The only issues are that 1) I don't want to waste my parents money & 2) everytime I quit them I end up calling the GI days/weeks later begging for a refill.
This time I asked for the steroid suppositories. The GI was willing to prescribe them because I still had ulcers in my rectum so I don't think it'd matter if I just kind of cut the dose in half to kind of taper & then quit taking them.
I'm still doing all my other meds like I'm supposed to [I know even when you feel great always take your meds] I just don't see the use in using them if my bottom feels fine. I only have bad pain when I insert the suppositories which is kind of weird.
I'm doing pretty well on Humira. I threw up this morning & still have a lot of upper GI issues but the lower GI issues are 90% gone. I'm still waiting on that "solid & formed" regular, stool to come along though It would be nice not rotating between Lomotil & miralax. A girl can dream can't she?