The theroy of SCD is that it starves out the bad bugs and replaces the bad with good. That is why it takes so long and why it is often 2 steps forward one back. The weak ones die and starve and the stronger ones when threatened put up there signs "Hell no We won't go!" We call that the 30, 60, 90 and 1 year flare. It is a pain but 100% normal for the DIet.
It is also the reason for "fanatical complaiance". Giving the bad bugs even a few grains of stuff they thrive on sets healing back for as much as weeks.
I am not a scientist however I can tell you what I just said is correct from a SCD perspective. I do not know enough to defend or debate the above.
I was so sick of being sick, if they said eat "xxx" on a stick I would have tried it. I am so glad that someone told me what to eat to heal, and it worked for me,
I have been doing this for well over 2 years now and see doing it with fanatical compliance at least until this DD is cured. So for at least the next couple of weeks!