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Flagyl for SIBO
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Veteran Member
Joined : Jun 2009
Posts : 590
Posted 7/19/2012 12:06 PM (GMT 0)
I have started taking 250mg of Flagyl for what is presumed to be Small Intenstinal Bacterial Overgrowth. I did not take a breath test, but have been suffering from bloating, LOUD stomach noises, and smelly gas for about
six months now, even after Remicaid has taken care of a lot of my pain issues. For people that tested positive for SIBO, were these similar to your symptoms? Did you take Flagyl to clear the SIBO up? And if so, for how long. My docotor said 7-10 days, but I would love to stop right at a week because I hate the nausea that I get with this anitbiotic. Thanks so much!!
Veteran Member
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Posted 7/19/2012 7:42 PM (GMT 0)
I usually have been given flagyl or cipro/flagyl in the past..I am on cipro right now..not sure if sibo is a factor in my latest cd incident..
Veteran Member
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Posted 7/24/2012 1:49 AM (GMT 0)
Yeah, my doctor used to put me on that combo as well early on in my disease. I never fully understood the rationale, but I guess there is some evidence that these antibiotics help with Crohn's. This time it was at my request, as I went to the Cleveland Clinic for a consult and the doctor there recommend I try it due to my symptoms. I have noticed that now on day 7 my nausea has decreased considerably, so I think I am going to go for the 10 days. It is helping too!! NO stomach noises and very little gas!! I just hope I continue to feel good after stopping. Thanks for your response!
Veteran Member
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Posted 7/24/2012 4:22 AM (GMT 0)
In the early years of my disease, my doctor would put me on flagyl for 4-6 weeks at a time..I had a problem for awhile after needing it every few months..I wonder if it killed off the bacteria both good and bad..I didn't like the nervous system symptoms I got after awhile..
Veteran Member
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Posted 7/24/2012 2:18 PM (GMT 0)
Flagyl can be a miracle drug for my SIBO. I have a high grade partial obstruction at my old resection site and my gut tends to work slowly to begin w/even BC (before Crohn's). Unlike many crohnies, this DD (darned disease) hasn't sped up my gut motility, I still tend to constipation and/or BMs every 3-4 days rather than daily or every other day.
So, yep. I encounter SIBO fairly often. Often enough that for a while I was put on alternating antibiotics the first 10 days of every month for about
a year or somewhat better. Flagyl worked best, like virtually overnight - but I could only take half doses, full dose gave me somewhat intense peripheral neuropathy. So, the alternating first 10 days of the month regimen had to be instituted instead. *sigh*
We used tetracyclne and amoxicillin as the alternates. They worked, just not as quickly nor as effectively as good ole Flagyl.
Including a good probiotic, and being concientious about
the timing of taking the probiotic and the antibiotic, was the key that finallly broke the cycle when I couldn't "do" the Flagyl anymore and had to do the alternate antibiotic route instead.
There should be 2 hours before, 4 hours after or vice versa; 4 hours before or 2 hours after, between taking the Flagyl or antibiotic and taking the probiotic. I forget which.
Veteran Member
Joined : Jun 2009
Posts : 590
Posted 7/24/2012 4:44 PM (GMT 0)
I have never experienced SIBO before now. I have been using pain medication on and off for the last year due to a flare that was causing significant pelvic pain (haven't needed any in months through since starting Remicade, fingers crossed it stays this way), which tends to slow my bowels down - although I don't think I have ever gone a day without going at least a little. Do you think that is enough to cause this recent case of SIBO? If so, I will just stop using them all together, the 4 hours of relief is not worth this!
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