Well, I wrote this mail to her this evening, but haven't sent it yet. I can't decide if it's even worth bothering, or if my reply is a steaming pile of dog's do. I made the humungous mistake of showing it to my mum, who was the worst for wear for drink. Absolute, complete and utter waste of time. Anyway, here's the wretched thing.
whatever said...
Hi, [name of nurse].
Got your letter a couple of days ago. You mentioned Cosmofer. I did have that, but it was at the hospital prior to Stoke Mandeville, and I had an anaphylactic reaction: passed out and woke up on the floor :-/
At Stoke, I was scared of the same thing happening again, so they gave me something called Ferinject at a much, much slower rate than normal. It was split over two doses instead of being given as a single dose. At any rate, it did the trick - no allergic reaction and my haemoglobin went right back up.
So, I'd rather not ever have a Cosmofer transfusion again, unless there is absolutely no other alternative, thanks...
One more thing. I appreciate this will probably sound a bit nit-picking, so apologies in advance if it does. You said that the combination of Methotrexate and Infliximab appeared to be treating my inflammation because my CRP had gone down from 178 to 46. But I think it was actually Prednisolone which brought down the CRP. In fact, my concern is that only steroids seem to be capable of reducing inflammation.
On top of that, my symptoms have not improved since I started Methotrexate. I'm still having watery diarrhoea, pain, low-grade fevers, loud stomach noises. I also feel chronically unwell and tired. `
Personally, I feel the medical therapy option has been throughly exhausted and it is clear it is not working. I'm due to see the consultant in October anyway, so I'll wait until then, but in all honesty I'm thinking surgery at this rate.
Thanks for reading...
Shortened it a bit and removed consultant's and nurse's name for fairly obvious reasons. Feel reasonably confident the nurse won't even respond, so is it even worth my sending this? I mean it about
the Cosmofer though.