Posted 9/1/2012 3:26 PM (GMT 0)
Hi. I am new as of this morning to HealingWell, but I've been reading posts here because I'm trying to get some answers. I am in my early 60s and a woman. I don't have insurance, but also I try to heal myself if possible with nutrients, etc. I get from the health food store. I have gone to a few clinics with a sliding fee scale. The diagnosis is that I have low estrogen causing the red, slightly bumping and stinging area in my right labia. I have finally started putting on the estrogen cream they want me to put on (starting a few days ago). But, I also have a cyst or blood blister or something just at the edge of the labia major and minor (if I'm understand this right from the internet). I tried pricking it with a sterilized needle and all I got was blood. Now that I've cut all the hair down there shorter, I an see, with a mirror, the area. The doctor didn't see the cyst or whatever because of the hair covering it. So, now I am trying to understand this myself because, and I might be wrong, the doctors at these clinics just think the easiest thing possible as their diagnosis.
I have now read that estrogen stimulates collagen production. I started taking collagen powder w/vit C last March and see that it has increased my tissues of arm, face, etc. So, I assume that older women (like me) need estrogen cream to stimulate collagen production. My body seems like a sponge, in a way. Maybe this is because of low collagen holding my tissues down there together. The estrogen cream applied in the vaginal area soon can be tasted in the back of my throat. How does it get there?
I have a rectoceal and cystoceal, so sagging of rectum and bladder. For a long time I've thought maybe I have a fistula. I wonder if that red, burning, slightly bumpy area in the right labia is a fistula. I have lack of control anally sometimes. When this poop runs out of me, I also have a water, light-brown discharge on my pad in the vaginal area. I wear a pad because I've had some urinary incontinence since my mid 20s.
Anyway, after I've used the estrogen cream for 3 weeks or so and the red area doesn't go away from the right labia, how can I convince the doctor at the clinic that I need to checked for a fistula. Are there special doctors that deal with fistulas?
I read last night that I should be taking zinc to clear up any infection. So, I've started that. I'm thinking of getting some diaper rash cream with zinc oxide. Maybe the estrogen cream IS the answer, but also, it doesn't make sense to me that the doctor at the clinic said I had a dry patch there in the labia caused by low estrogen. Does low estrogen cause dry patches? Or is this really a fistula?
Any ideas would be appreciated.