I had a physical a while ago and my PCP ran a ton of bloodwork, including cholesterol. It came back and I was shocked. My total cholesterol is 292.
Mind you, I don't eat out, bake most foods, and don't eat a lot of greasy stuff since it bothers my system.
Anyone else have horrible cholesterol even though they don't eat terribly high cholesterol foods?
Becky (aka Monkiray)
Crohn's, Anxiety & Depression, Menstrual Migraines, Chronic Lower Back Pain, Pulmonary Emboli & Pneumonia
Surgeries: 2 Bowel resections, appendix & gallbladder removed, July '11 Adhesions removed to prevent more obstructions
Meds: Humira, Prevacid, Prozac, Verapimil, Calcium, Vit D, Aspirin, B12 (and many more meds to take as needed)