I have a fistula in my terminal ileum & my doc put me on biologics to help get rid of it & try to put me in remission. Well after 3 doses of Remicade & Humira the darn thing is still there & a recent colonoscopy showed narrowing. I don't know who's crazy me or the docs?
My original doc before leaving the VA hospital said he would put me on Biologics to halt me from needing surgery, but if it did not work I would be having surgery to remove fistula. He left when the area was reviewed to see if the meds worked. They did not so in my mind I was preparing myself for needing surgery. The new doctor that I got i had to fight to get them to do an MRI & see if it was still there. The doc did not want to look since I had already decided I would not be trying Cimizia after 6 unsuccesful trys of Remicade & Humira (allergic to both). He said it would be pointless. Finally I got an MRI & the darn thing is still there. So I decided to go find a new doc. I went to Georgetown & GI doc seemed pretty knowledgeable & agreed surgery is my best option after talking with me & reviewing my records. I explained to him about the sharp pains I get in my tummy or when Im crying in the fetal position from the pain. The constipation, headaches, joint pain, pooping mucus, pooping out tootsie rolls, nausea after eating, bloating, & diarrhea. He wanted to do colonoscopy first before he gave consult to see surgeon. I showed up for scope all was well until the doc I left at the VA showed up at my scope. He attends at Georgetown. What luck! I was so very angry. Afterwards the doc I do not like came & spoke to me & said we are going to start you on Humira & follow up in 4 weeks, no need for refferal. I lost it. I let this doc talk me into retrying Humira a 3rd time & still ended up with head to toe hives I said no & demanded a refferal for surgeon. I see surgeon in 2 wks. I want the darn thing out! Maybe i'll get some peace.
Am I crazy? Is it time for another new doctor? Should I even listen to these people? If you had surgery how long was hospital stay? How long was recovery?