minnietoty said...
Welcome to HW and sorry that you are suffering. I'm in the same boat but my GI does not want me to undergo any surgeries or dilations. I even don't know how narrow it is. I have not been on Remicade yet but I need to take rectal enemas. I take pentasa enema in the morning and a budesonide enema before bedtime. Also, I take a senna laxative before bedtime. In order to have a bm, I have to insert glycerin suppositories. You can take up to 4 suppositories per day. This has caused my bms to become ribbon like and semi formed instead of being watery in the last couple of days. For me this is an achievement.
Ask your GI for a rectal med. As far as I know, Remicade should treat any stricture, so why do you still have one?
Hope you feel better soon:)
thanks for replying. i thought i was alone on this.
the remicade does not help with strictures. strictures form when inflammed tissues heal to normal tissue a number of repeated times. as the remicade wears off my colon gets inflammed again so when i get remicade the inflammation goes away. doing this a repeated number of times takes a toll in the form of a stricture. so remiacde i guess should not be used if your crohn's disease is a stricturing type. but in my case i had no choice but to take it because i was not longer responding to asacol to bring down the flare i was having at the time and taking the steroids also caused me to have severe acne and wild mood swings. i hope another doctor will have a solution to this.
but thanks for your reply. i just wanted to know if anyone elase has went through this situation.