Greeting everyone!
I had surgery on my right femur last Friday. They did a core decompression, debridement of the bone and bone graft due to avascular necrosis believed to be caused by Prednisone. I was required to be off Cimzia for several months prior to surgery to prevent infection and promote healing but in reality, I was off of Cimzia for approximately 3 1/2 months.
During the last month before surgery, my Crohn's symptoms were coming back with a vengeance. I was having intense left sided colon pain, blood, very loose stool with constant urgency etc. My blood test were borderline anemia but not quite there so I was approved for surgery. At that time, I was very concerned that after surgery I would be thrown into a full flown flare but I remembered that my last surgery ( same thing but in 2011 on left leg) I went into a nice remission after surgery for almost a year that I suspected at the time was caused from either the narcotics or the high dose IV antibiotic Ancef so I decided to go ahead and hope for the best. Well, I am finding the exact same thing is happening as it did last time. My stools are formed and firm, no blood and my colon pain is gone. Crohn's wise I feel good. Bone wise, I am still in a lot of pain. As for stopping the flare, I still do not know if it was the Ancef , Roxicodone or Fentanyl because my diet and other medications are exactly the same. When I am recovered and past this recovery from surgery and when I start flaring again, I will ask my Dr. to try to stop the flare with these medications as a short trial.
I just wanted to share that with you guys.
I hope you all are well.