I had the Pillcam today after doing all the prepping yesterday which was the worst part about
I swallowed the capsule at 9:50am and was told to remove the belt at about
10pm or when I go to bed tonight and the capsule would pass either late tonight or tomorrow.
I was allowed home once the specialist had checked to make sure the capsule was in the small intestine after an hour of swallowing ,which it was.A light lunch at 12 and a cup of coffee (on instruction of the specialist) and carry on as normal through the day.
Well,Lo and behold I passed the pretty flashing capsule at 13:30,basically only 3 1/2 hours after swallowing!!!
Not sure if they can get the same results as if it were in for the full 8-9 hours......but I did phone endoscopy department and they said it happens sometimes.....