i'll start from the begining.. My daughter had always been very healthy and active, in the the summer of 2011 she was bitten by SOMETHING ?, spider ?, and within 3 days went in to toxic shock, her whole body swelled, broke in rash was put in the childrens hospital for 6 days, had some liver damage the dr said minimal would heal on its own and was having some problems with their blood pressure. She was taking Vakamicin (spelling?) and clendamisine. Went home on Zyvox for 10 days. Within 4 days was doing much better by day 7 was getting very tired and sick again again. Went back took her off the Zyvox. She never seemed to get her strength back totally. Missed freshman year of college that fall. Seemed to get some better but still tired alot and was having some digestive problems..cramping diarehea some nausea. Went to school in the spring still very tired alot and digestive problems, couldn't eat before school would get diarehea and vomitting. Failed out of school. The digestive seemed to get worse started with fluid backing up in throat with the diarehea and vomitting, only with food. She was put on several different acid reflux meds would help some with the fluid but not the diarehea. When Maranda would eat she would get the fluid in her throat, if she would vomitt she would only have litter diarehea but if she forced it to stay down she would have severe diarehea. Had upper GI, ct scans, ultra sounds and eating studies nothing showed. Gastro Dr did hyda scan gallbladder working at 5%. In novermber of 2012 took her gallbladder out and nipped her bile duct another surgery. Did not help at all !! She has tried Bentl this helps her symptons but make her so loopy headed she can't function, She is on Welchol for Diarehea, Lyprex? for IBS this is alsoan Anti Anxiety med, she started this 3 weeks ago. First taking 1 a day helped for a few days but then had to increase to 2, now taking 3 and if she does not take it before bed time the next day she is in the bathroom for hours and this week had alot of blood in her stool, bright blood, she has had some blood before but not much. We are going 5/22 for colonoscopy. She has lost about 25 pounds more of the loss in the past 2-3 months somedays feels pretty good others really bad. She has been tested for Celiac, c diff.