hello all,I have been hearing about the use of probiotics with CD & UC. My GI dr isn't convinced they make any difference. I had tried Ultimate Flora Critical Care but it caused me to have loose stools. I took it back to Natures Fare and they contacted the rep for that brand. Rep said that this particular one was perhaps too strong for me considering I have Crohns Colitis?
Who has tried probiotics and have you noticed a difference? I'd like to learn more about them since reading about the beneficial affects in the gi system. Too me it makes sense, if you re gi system is "sick" perhaps with your good and bad bacteria out of proper alignment, then probiotics seem to be the solution to restore natural balance???
Do you take them daily forever, not take during a flare or increase during flares?? I am new to probiotic world.
Still having 4-5 loose to soft bms per day with urgency however bleeding has stopped-yayyyy! I am still on a low residue diet that I have to continue for another month. I am exhausted all the time, dr says due to prednisone dosage. I see a dietician this week to help me eat better on this diet and hopefully avoid weight gain with prednisone.
So glad I found this forum, I have learned sooo much from all of you already.
Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom.