I can empathize with the feeling gross and the pain. (Oh the pain!)
I'm trying to educate myself about
fistula causes, types, treatments, etc.
I got my first fistula in February. It started as an abcess in my labia and perineum. Misdiagnosed as bartholin gland cysts at first. But it swelled and swelled grotesquely then eventually ruptured (in the car on the way to the OB/GYN appt. for it). Next stop was the hospital where they eventually did a fistulography and a CT scan which the CR said didn't clearly show the fistula path. The next day they did EUA (examination under anesthesia) and cleaned out the abcess and put in two setons - one for the original fistula
opening and the other for an
opening they made for a dead-end branch they found. What joy!
One of the setons is out now, but my CR had been non-committal about
the other. I saw him this week and, AGAIN, pressed him for a solution. He said that I'll never get better. That was just too much to bear. He gave me three options: 1-change nothing and just deal with it, 2-go full-time with antibiotics, probably forever, or 3-get an ostomy.
I wasn't happy with those answers. I had done research before and felt there were other options out there that could be worth a shot. I recalled something about
lasers. So, I started looking things up again. I'm compiling info as I go into a cloud-based document. You, or anyone else reading this, are welcome to look at it. It's at: