I'm not looking for treatment options, just want to know if my decision process seems sound (or in denial).
Some of you know me some don't so here's a brief summary...followed by a long story (sorry). Was dx'd 24 years ago when my TI ruptured. Realize I had symptoms my whole life before that. For 11 years post ER resection (1990-2001), I was pretty mild and was treated with only Pentasa and I was really low fibre no red meat diet. Had little kick ups here and there, but no major pain just loose stools. 2001-flare up calmed by a 3 month course of prednisone and went back to similar diet and same Pentasa. 2001-2012-no major flare ups, but had 1 fistula and non-related surgeries. Started eating a little more foods than I used to in 2004. Late 2012 spent time in ER/IP, doc not really working with pred for me. Pains on and off since that i did not used to have, random C when I am usually D without meds. Some pains are Knock me to the ground, some days limited/no pain. Joint pains come more strongly now. Can not tolerate anything with fibre again. Have not been my old self since.
So this last round of budesonide did not start to do anything until I got 1.5 months in and then weeks later it was taper time and not so good again. Saw GI yesterday. Does not think a scope will show anything and I am scheduled for a SBFT. He gave me prednisone...somewhat unwillingly. He says that if we do not see improvement with this round of pred, we have to talk 6mp or Humira (he even gave me a talking humira pen to review). I forgot to ask about the pill cam - brain shut off yesterday.
My thoughts...I am going through the worst emotional & stressful time of my life starting right after my 2012 admit. I also appear to be changing hormonally and starting "the change" (haha makes you sound like a werewolf). I am having high blood pressure and have a family history of skin type cancers. I am thinking that before I go the 6mp/Humira option, I want to ride out all my other bodily changes and get my swollen legs under control (maybe this flare up is everything else in my body changing and my guts are trying to adjust - you know how we feel more lousy when we women have our period???) I can live with changing my diet to a more strict regime again & I am willing to live with some of the new pain....at least for some more time to see if I can avoid the bigger meds for longer. Does that sound like a rational decision?