OK I am a big one for consistency, predictability and things following a pre-determined course.....and aging with CD is not doing what I want!!!! 24 years post initial dx, I am having all sorts of new things happen and I am slowly figuring out what is CD related and what is not and how to handle this "newness" that disagrees with my mathematical/science brain.
So yesterday we were at a hardware store and just before we left I felt so extremely out of it. I noticed I was shuffling my feet rather than picking them up. So I thought...I'm hungry I likely need some food. We got in the car and drove a few blocks. Hubby said I sounded drunk and slurring....I pulled over and made him drive to the place for food. I really felt like I had had about 7 cocktails and even my mouth seemed "soggy". I did feel better after getting some food into me. But when we got home, I went to sleep for about 4 hours. Stinks because then I could not get to sleep last night. I don't know if it was a drop in my blood sugar, just hungry or what....could it be the pred since I am having all new reactions to it since the last times I was on it? Many of you guys have had it harder than I have and talk about extreme exhaustion. I just never had it so much before.
And...two nights ago I had a weird twitch in my arm in the middle of the night. Right now I am writing that off to I slept on it funny unless it happens again. Have my hubby watching me for any really off kilter behavior (ha that could be hard to tell!)
This is just weird and I am tired. I liked my old world of I knew my body....