Andrina said...
Here is something I don't understand. Why do GI's scope the colon several times for Crohns when Crohns might as well be hiding in the small intestines? Why don't they do an MRI after the first scope to find out what's going on in the small intestines?
I can think of a few reasons.
One, GIs are trained to do colonoscopies and feel comfortable doing them. With MRIs, it's another department doing them and a different group of doctors that the GI has to communicate with.
Two, GIs doing colonoscopies can often (usually?) get into the terminal ileum, and that is often (but not always) as far as they need to see. But yes it's true that some people have Crohn's higher up in the small bowel and that gets missed by colonoscopies alone.
Three, colonoscopies allow for taking biopsies, which can be critical in figuring out what is going on and what the severity is. MRIs don't allow for biopsies.
Four, MRIs are expensive, even more so than colonoscopies (sometimes MUCH more expensive).
Five, GIs can get PAID for the colonoscopies, because they do them, but with MRIs being done by other departments, there's no payment going to the GI. I don't want to imply that GIs are all just trying to make money off of us, but it is *sometimes* a factor with *some* GIs.