I am not even kidding!
First, though.....I'm pregnant again!
I am 8 weeks, we've been monitoring hcg for 4 weeks now and it's doubling correctly. At 6 weeks we had an ultrasound and saw the heartbeat, so we're on track for a good pregnancy.
I got Remicade last week on Thursday afternoon. Friday I started having hives again and had them all weekend through this morning. But it was my birthday Wednesday and we went out to eat. There were leftovers I ate on Thursday, so it could have been one of the spices in the food. Next time I get Remi I am going to eat things that I know are safe foods for the few days before and after.
But since Friday I've had a low-grade fever (as high as 100.9F), which isn't super high, but considering I don't get fevers with influenza or even abscesses, it's always a concern. I know my temp can go up from pregnancy, but since my normal is 97, it shouldn't be hanging out around 100. But then an hour later it'll go back down to 98.6, then up again. It's been doing it still today. I called my OB and the triage nurse doesn't think it's pregnancy related. So I called my PCP who said to call my GI and the GI nurse will talk to the GI tomorrow.
Any thoughts? I try not to panic, but I think being pregnant is going to make me more of a paranoid hypochondriac than I normally am!!